Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Prophecy by Brian Hayes (Visiting Prophet/Teacher)
(Signpost Ministries International, Gold Coast, Australia)
Noah Musingku (Principal Director of U-Vistract Ministries)
On Sunday Morning (23rd April 2000)
At Christian Life Centre, Waigani, Papua New Guinea (Paradise Islands)

Part One

Behold the Lord would remind you of the story of David and Ziklag (1 Sam 30: 1-26). The Amelikites raided the city and destroyed everything there, carrying off all valuable things including their women and children. Their enemies stole everything they owned, all their possessions and valuables.

But thus saith the Lord, “you are handling millions and millions of money; you have touched the pinnacle of the devil’s hideous strategies concerning the finances; therefore, the devil has let loose all of hell clothed in sheep’s clothing but ravenous wolves to devour and tear you”.

“Take courage, its not what you do that really matters before God, but the integrity of your heart; let your heart’s integrity be right before Him. You have been isolated in heavy and terrible storms of life. But know this day the Lord has commanded His angels to encamp around you. The Prince of Peace is standing right beside you. No enemy, no devil shall tear or devour you for the Hand of the Lord is upon you”.

Part Two:

Prophet turns around and addresses the church/congregation to seriously pray and uphold their brother. He speaks of heavy attacks upon Noah’s life from governments and powers of the world. He sternly warns the church to pray with right motives. “If your heart’s motive is not right before God concerning your investments with this brother, you will not receive anything. Also, pray for him not because he is afraid, but because you have to”.

Part Three:

Psalms 11:1-2, John 16:33

Prophet quotes the above Scriptures as a basis to explain certain truths.

He talks of heavy warfare, not against humans but against spiritual powers, governments, etc, around the world. “You are not fighting against human beings, but against wicked spiritual powers in the heavenlies”. (Ephesians 6:12). He speaks of “governments and structures being ripped apart”.

“Though the arrows will be thrown at you, they will not harm you, for the Lord is with you. The ravenous wolves are so disgusted, so mad, and are trying everything to rid you, for you have touched spiritual and dark powers. But behold the Lord will restore all and will be in everything that you are going to do. No enemy, no power shall stop you for the Hand of the Lord is upon you. He shall not let them defeat you”.

Note 1: Prophet Brian Hayes had no prior knowledge or idea of the background history of Noah Musingku while prophesying. He had never met with nor made contact with Noah before. Every word uttered was by the Sovereign Act of God.

Again on the following morning (24/04/2000) during a prayer-breakfast at Gateway Hotel, the prophet further spoke in the presence of Pastors and church leaders about the World Monetary and Banking System. He spoke of a few “heathen men” and explains how they control the World Monetary System through laws and constitutional provisions in the USA, Federal Reserve Bank, etc. He said “Noah needs your undivided support and prayers to complete his mission for he has touched the very heart of the devil’s control system”.

Again, on 30th March 2002, during his second visit to PNG, the prophet further prophesied that: “Just like Samson, you will pick up a most unlikely weapon, like an old jaw-bone of a donkey, and struck or defeat your enemies”.
Again, on 07th January 2003, in Honiara, Solomon Islands, the prophet said "God has granted you the original title-deed which He gave to Adam. He has given you the iron-rod to rule the nations and break them into pieces like claypots," and made reference to Revelations 2:26-28.

Again, on 27th August 2004, at Guava, Panguna, whilst praying for the Twin Kings, the prophet further prophesied that "you are now approaching the period of transition from Moses' leadership to Joshua. Moreover, there will be divine appointments for you all around the world to help you achieve the vision God has given you."

Note 2:

Prophet Brian Hays is any internationally renowned prophet, originally from New Zealand. None of his prophesies over individuals, governments and nations have failed to fulifill over more than 40 years of Ministry.

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