Monday, May 18, 2009


Everyone who goes through hard training/preparation learns great mysteries seemingly unknown to the rest of the world. I too have learned many great things within the Masterplan, Mysteries and Omniscience of God my Father. One thing I learned was that "God gave the answer to the enemy to pass it onto me." I noted it in my diary under the heading "Stewards of the mysteries of God."

With this realization I waged a direct war against the entire conventional international government, monetary and banking system which was throwing millions of people onto the streets as homeless, street-beggars, etc. I asked my professors and economists at university why the World Bank /IMF were not doing anything to provide food, shelter, clothing and money to the millions of homeless beggars suffering/dying on the streets of India and Africa. I even led student protest marches to WB/IMF offices and demanded them to pack up and leave.

In one such incident I led a high powered student group to the WB/IMF office at Islander Hotel , Waigani, and demanded their country representative to shut up, pack up and ship out. The chief economist, Mr. Hamidian Rad, responded saying "you are demanding an impossibility because PNG is like an alcoholic nation needing more alcohol (loan) to survive each day. Remove the alcohol (loan) and you are dead." He then asked "what is your solution if we leave today? How are you going to finance your country? My response was sharp and to the point: "I have the solution but you won't understand it if I explain it to you in five minutes."

Hurray! After a decade of direct warfare against the conventional global government, monetary and banking system I am glad to tell the world that I have succeeded. I now have something to show in real life and prove to all my critics that I'm not a con man, nor a lier, nor a fraudster, nor a pyramid scheme, nor a cargo-cultist, nor an unlicensed, illegal or unrecognized organization, etc. I'm not running from the law as the self-righteous media continues to allege. I have single-handedly established a new global governance, monetary and banking system that is now beginning to bring relief upon those who followed me hereto from the streets up. The Chief Justice of the universe has now decided the case in my favour!

My period of hard training/preparation is over now! It’s now time to turn the table around. It’s time to see a 180 degrees turnaround from my enemies. Those who opposed me will now rush to me as if they had never ever said a thing against me. They will come and use our abundant government services, health and education services, telephone services, broadband communication services, banking and financial services, gold-based currencies, investment programs, defence and security services, police services, civil services, church services, judicial services, ombudsmen services, calendars and schedules, media and publication services, and so on.

Its already happening here on the ground. Everyday I'm seeing my former critics and opponents coming and using my telephone services as if they'd never ever tried to prevent it few years ago. For several years the ABG tried everything in its power to prevent me from installing telephone services here at Tonu. In 2006 the ABG police arrested and bashed up two of my communication engineers in Buka and locked them up for several weeks alleging illegal installation. We then took the matter to court in PNG and won the case. Despite our court victory the ABG still maintained that it was politically incorrect for an illegal organization to have telecommunication services. They used their political muscle to delay its installation. However, in God's timing our phones finally rang on the evening of 06th June 2008, and the instructions were given by President Joseph Kabui himself based on a peace/mediation deal. Few hours later the President passed away in the early hours of 07th June and thereby permanently sealing the deal within the Mysteries and Omniscience of our God.

Yea, over the years my enemies have tried their very best but just could not defeat me. They used the "lower law of man" against me whilst I was applying the "Higher law of God against them." Instead of destroying me they have mysteriously built me up. Through the process of our warfare the enemy passes onto me everything that God gave him to pass onto me. From another angle, the Master Key that Adam lost to the Serpent at Eden and which Jesus the Second Adam retrieved 2,000 years ago has again been passed onto me as I carried my cross and followed Him all the way to the end.

My special thanks to all those who called me names during my hard training / prepration. You did it so I could have maximum media coverage worldwide within the Omniscience of God. I must say that I really truly enjoyed the last 10 years of negative publicity within the great Mysteries of our God who turns negative into positive, darkness into light, desolation into habitation, weakness into strength and nothing into something.

Oh, how great and wonderful it is to know and understand the great Mysteries of our God!

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